Scenic mountain view from Harder Kulm, Switzerland

Harder Kulm, Switzerland

Images that inspire

We each live our lives as a brief collection of moments. Interactions with people and places. Experiences and relationships. I strive to capture these moments and create images that captivate and inspire.

I strive to create work that encourages people take a moment out of their busy lives and contemplate the wonder and beauty of the world we live in, and appreciate the people that surround them.

Quebec City, Canada


“All of us, when we travel, look at the places we go, the things we see, through different eyes. And how we see them is shaped by our previous lives, the books we’ve read, the films we’ve seen, the baggage we carry.”
― Anthony Bourdain


People are amazing!

“My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph.”

― Richard Avedon


Conceptual Imagery

I like to explore various philosophical ideas through visual imagery. Sometimes through photography, sometimes through other mediums.

Reality optional.

“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs.
When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.”

― Ansel Adams


Have an idea for a collaborative project? I would love to work with you.

Need some information regarding a custom print or licensing one of my images? Feel free to contact me here.